Denver Swim Club Sauna Colorado

Denver Gay Saunas

Looking for a gay sauna in Denver? Then look no further, we have you covered

Denver Gay Saunas

Lake Steam
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Lake Steam Baths, 3540 W Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado 80204, United States, Denver, USA

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Lake Steam Baths in Denver is a gay-friendly spa known for its steam baths, massage therapy, and exfoliating scrubs in a clean and well-maintained environment. The spa operates on a gender-specific schedule, with separate days for men and women, except on co-ed nights.

The spa features a variety of amenities including a cold tub, hot tub, sauna, and steam room. The main dry sauna has multi-level seating with cold water on tap, while the wet sauna and hot tub are more intimate, holding about 10 people. Keep in mind that this is not a gay sauna, so be careful and respectful about approaching other people for something more.

Mon:10:30 - 22:00

Tue: Closed

Wed:08:30 - 22:00

Thu:08:30 - 22:00

Fri:08:30 - 22:00

Sat:08:30 - 22:00

Sun:06:00 - 21:00

Last updated on: 17-May-2024

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