Flixx Bar Omaha Nebraska

Omaha Gay Bars

Check out our selection of the best gay bars in Omaha. Here you'll find a good selection of lively and friendly places.

Omaha Gay Bars

Today: Raining Men - Every Friday
Tomorrow: Men's Night - Every Saturday
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1015 S 10th St, Omaha, USA

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Audience Rating

Based on 4 votes

Flixx is a popular Omaha gay bar favored for its lively cabaret shows.

Offering both a relaxed lounge and stage for upbeat cabaret performances, Flixx is a popular LGBT hot spot in Omaha's southeast area.

Throughout the week Flixx offers a variety of entertainment ranging from karaoke to underwear nights.
Live music

Weekday: 4pm-2am

Weekend: 4pm-2am

Last updated on: 11-Jan-2024

Queer Nite @ The Sydney
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5918 Maple St, Omaha, USA

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Queer Nite was brought to life in 2018 to provide an alternative to the overly heteronormative spaces elsewhere in Omaha.

With a rotating lineup of DJ's that bring their own vibe, Queer Nite makes you feel like you're in New York. Trip-hop, bubblegum pop or queer futuristic radio - Queer Nite at The Sydney is a night out to remember.

The Sydney is located in the Benson district of Omaha, where you can find more inclusive and alternative venues.

Weekday: 5pm - 2am

Weekend: 12pm - 2am

Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023

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